
B.A. [Dragon Training Assignment #2]

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Literature Text

 A Tale of Two Hearts
By: Robert Hoffer (Pohlranda3)

  It was that time again, the time where Dragon Training class were to begin. Crimson wasn't sure what was planned, but she hated the anticipation of it. Last time she saw her partner—he was blasting her high in the sky. So, I guess it wasn't so much the fact she was scared of him anymore, but that he was so unpredictable; that she couldn't bare the bewilderment to come.

Crimson once again walked into an open field, where she had made friends with Gokai. Cupped her hands around her mouth, shouting his name. “Mr. Gokai!” Nothing.

“Mr. Gokai?! Where are you?” She called once more.

Again nothing. Crimson knelt down and felt the soft soil with her bare hands. Her stomach started to crawl out of her body, she was nervous to not see Gokai. He was usually bouncing high on the ground or causing mischief with the others in class.

She once remembered that he was able to camouflage his body to whatever he pleased. So, with that knowledge in mind she  tried to examine more closely of everything. “Oh, Gokai—I know your around somewhere.” She said, in a playful tone.

Still no one appeared. Crimson was so worried at this point; that she even had a thought about asking the teacher for some help. Of course, she didn't. She didn't want to look like a fool for calling for help.

From afar, she saw a blue dragon zooming towards her direction. The speed was so quick that in a flash  she noticed the dragon had bumped her bum onto a stump and hovered above the ground. On top of it was none other but her new best friend; Sakiko. She jumped off her partner and smiled at Crimson. “What's up girl?”

Crimson's eyes wandered to the ground. Sakiko sat next to her friend and touched her shoulder lightly. “What's wrong?” She asked, more sincerely.

Crimson tried to hide her feelings and just smiled. “I'm just playing hide and seek with Gokai and, uh—he's winning.”

Sakiko cocked her head a bit, she knew it was a lie. How was she to accuse her of a lie, she wasn't sure—so she continued to play along. “Hide and seek you say.” Sakiko jumped to her feet and grabbed Crimson's left hand. “Let's find Gokai together then!” She said. Sakiko threw Crimson aboard her dragon's back and jumped up herself. “This is Ethalinda, Ethalinda—this is Crimson.” She introduced.

“Woh, wait!” Crimson cringed as she felt the body of Ethalinda lift higher. “I-i, Saaakiii-”

Ethalinda had eventually soared into the sky and was racing across the open fields. “So!” Sakiko shouted. Crimson turned her attention to her friend. “Where do you think Gokai would happen to be?” She asked.

Crimson cleared her voice and could eventually muster a sound now. “Well...uh...” Crimson stumbled on her words. Sakiko listened intently on her friends answer. “Gokai...”

Sakiko commanded Ethalinda to stop in her tracks lower her body to the ground. “Gokai isn't playing is he?” Sakiko asked.

Crimson nodded and got off. She guided them over to a tree. “This is where we would sometimes see each other too...” She explained, touching the soft bark of the tree. Sakiko's hand landed right on her shoulder once more. “I'm sure he's around.” She assured. “He's probably just playing around in the sky.”

Crimson turned around and smiled. “I hope your right.”

“Did you want us to try the skies for yah?” She asked.

Crimson shook her head softly. “No, that's fine. You guys should get to the skies for class.”

Sakiko smiled and said her good byes. Heading off towards the air again. Crimson on the other hand turned her back to the tree and slid down in a slump. She grabbed out a small baggie, it seemed to contain small red treats. When she went to take a bite of one of the treats, she heard a small rustle.

“Whose there?” She exclaimed. She didn't see anyone, but could feel a presence. She turned back around and she saw her bag of treats were missing. “Wait! What happened to my treats?!” She touched her body to see if she had left them on her. “Great. First I can't fin—ouch!” Crimson yelped as a large tail-like thing whammed her right in the head.

As she stared at the thing that whacked her, she started to notice that she has seen it around. “Gokai...” She whispered. Her face lit up with excitement.

The tail started to wag ferociously in front of her and when it went down, Crimson grabbed a hold of it. The two of them came slamming down to their butts. He slithered his tongue as he finished the bag of treats. “Gok-ai!”

He licked her face and instantly jumped to his feet. Crimson followed shortly and gave him a hug. “I thought I lost you forever...” She said. Gokai shook his head and blew a spark of embers towards her, in a playing manner. Crimson smiled and sucking up her fears; she thrusted her body onto his back and he lifted up.

She closed her eyes and started to breathe slowly with a steady beat. Listening to both her heart and Gokai's. It was sort of like she was meditating with the bond between them. She opened her eyes and instantly they were into the air. Crimson leaned in. “Let's do this, Gokai!”
Title; A Tale of Two Hearts
Final Chapter; Of Ice and Flames

Now you have managed to tame your dragon, but are you really friends yet? Time to bound! And what is a better way to bond than in the sky?

Draw or write your character flying with the dragon for their first time

Alrighty, so here is my second assignment, which I hope is good enough? ^-^ In this chapter, I wanted more emotion and what better than to have Crimson think her trickster friend has gone amiss. Thankfully she was able to find him and also found that they will always have a bond with their hearts. Also appearing is a cameo from Sakiko and Ethalinda. >.^ My last chapter should hopefully be out soon!!! :D Enjoy~! :love:

This is for : :iconbrookview-academy:

Crimson Avondale belongs © :iconpohlranda3:
Sakiko & Ethalinda © :iconvicfania8855:
© 2016 - 2024 Pohlranda3
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purpleEar's avatar
oh gokai :'D that was a fun read! im glad crimson found her dragon ;v;